To Samuel John Mills and Ebenezer Burgess
The board of managers of the American Society for colonizing the free people of color of the United States have appointed you their agents, on a mission to explore a part of the west coast of Africa, for the purpose of ascertaining the best situation which can be procured for colonizing the free people of color of the United States. You will act in conjunction as much as possible; but should you be separated, to forward the objects of the mission, or by a dispensation of Providence, you will act as if you had a separate commission, taking care, in case of acting separately, not to let your engagements interfere with each other. The situation to which you have been called is one of great importance and responsibility, and will require from you the greatest diligence, skill, and prudence, as the success of the benevolent designs of the society may, in a great measure, depend upon your mission. General instructions will be given with this commission, but very much must be left to your own discretion and prudence, on which the board place the greatest reliance. The objects of the society are of that enlarged benevolence, affecting, as they believe, not only the temporal and spiritual interests of thousands of our fellow creatures in this country, but in Africa likewise; that they calculate upon the cordial aid and co-operation of the philanthropist of every clime and country, whose assistance you may need in the prosecution of your design; and they are the more sanguine in their calculations for this friendly support, from the attention which this class of the human family have received from the most distinguished individuals in Europe, and particularly in Great Britain. But whilst we thus say, “be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves,” and recommend you to the benevolent and feeling stranger, you principal reliance will be on Him who has made of one blood all the nations of the earth, and in whose hands are the hearts of all the children of men, to turn them as he pleaseth. May he be your protector, and preserve you from “the arrow that flieth by day,” and “the pestilence that walketh in darkness,” and “the destruction that wasteth at noonday.” May that “Saviour who is to receive Egypt as a ransom, and Ethiopia and Seba to himself,” who hath promised to “call his sons from far, and his daughters from the end of the earth,” “make for you a way in the sea” and in “the wilderness,” and “a path in the mighty waters,” that all may issue to His honor and glory, and the spread of the Redeemer’s kingdom.
Bushrod Washington
President of the American Colonization Society.
Printed, The First Annual Report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States.