To Samuel Smith
Fredericksburg Jany 29th 1785
I Engaged Mr Donnison who went from yeocomico to Baltimore, to bring my Library to Virginia, and my Father wrote you a Letter upon the Subject, but he returned without it, much to my dissapointment, and assigned as a reason the Danger of the Frost— I feel the want of it sensibly— I must request the favor of you to interest yourself particularly in discovering the most expeditious mode of conveying them to me— A Vessel coming immediately to this place would be the most desirable opportunity, but If a previous one to yeocomico, or Nomony on Potowmack, or to Leeds Town or Port Royal on Rappahanock should offer, I would prefer it, because immediately upon notice of their arrival to any of the above mentioned places, I would send for them— you will extremely oblidge me by attending to my request respecting this affair.
With respect to the mode of payment for the Library, my Father will I believe ship to Mr Forrest as soon as his Tobacco can be brought to Alexandria from his Back Plantations— Mr W. A. Washington informed me that settling the matter with Mr Stoddart would answer your purpose. I am Sir your very Obt H. Servant
Bd Washington
P.S. you will be pleasd to have the Books insured.
LS, MH: Autograph File, W. BW addressed the letter to "Colo. Samuel Smith."