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From Daniel Roberdeau

Dear Sir

     Enclosed you have Thos Oliver’s (of Dumfries) Note pa<i>d to Doctor Gerardus Clarkson and dated Philada June 5th 1784, where th<e> interest of Money is C$PRCt— Also a Lre to you and nine Dollars in bank Notes from Saml Clarkson one of the Administrators to the afore. <Ger>ardus his father now deceased. You’ll be pleased to bring Suit immediately in the Dumfries Circuit and hold said Olver under suffi<mutilated> Rail, and appropriate 8 of the above mentioned Dollars to your own Use in full recompense for your Services in recovering and paying the Money recovered and1 Cost to me if not called out of your hands by the Administrators; the other Dollar is to be considered and appropriated to the Expence of the Writ you must take out, as the whole Business now devolves on you. I am ever &c

P.S. The other Administrators are Wm Clarkson & Robt Ralston—

Source Note

LB, DLC: Daniel Roberdeau Papers.

     1. After the word "and" Roberdeau began to write "damag" but crossed it out.