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From Archibald McClean


     On receipt of your Last letter I wrote to Mr Doddridge requesting to know at what time & place I could see him, when I would attend with the papers for his inspection, that he might make up his mind whether he would engage as counsel in our suit.

     As soon as I hear from him I shall attend to the business.

     I applied to Mr Cresap for a copy of Hardin's deposition, but he tells me he has not received it. Possibly it may be sent to Clarksburg. If you think it necessary to have a copy, I will write for it.

     In the notices given to me to take depositions, the name of Jonathan Roberts, who is a tenant & made a defendant in Cresap's case, was omitted. Cresap has applied to me to know if we will admit the depositions taken to be received the same as if notice had been given to Roberts, in order to avoid the trouble and expence of taking them over again. On this point I wish your instructions. Most respectfully yours

Arch. McLean

Source Note

ALS, ViU: Notable Families of Virginia, Washington Family Papers. McClain addressed this to BW at the Post office at Allexandria Ca, "Via Washington City."