From Edmund Jennings Lee Jr.
Wheeling Octr 23d 1826
Dear Sir
I have just returned from Clarksburg while there I examined the record in the case of Cresap vs. M Lean, which I find is complete. The six months having elapsed within which it should have been sent up, & as it is uncertain whether it will soon be sent, as there is some misunderstanding between Cresap & his Council in relation to the costs of appeal— I have procured & herewith send you, a certificate in order that you may have the appeal dismissed.
Excuse my reminding you of your promise of a further fee— Tomlinsons suit has not been revived & this is the third term since his death— both cases may be considered as at an end in our Court. with sentiments of sincere friendship & respect your obt Svt
E. J. Lee Jr
ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family.