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From Creed Taylor


     Inclosed is a copy of so much of a record of a suit between Crisp and Holiman in Cumberland County Court, as contains the point now in controversy, and which is submitted to you, on this question—Can judgment of the Court on the verdict in this case be staid or arrested, because of the blanks in the declaration, on the plea of not guilty, after verdict? And its requested that you shall decide this question on the errors filed in arrest of judgment in this Cause, as if the Court had rendered no judgment on the verdict; And that you shall particularly look, at the 26 section of an act of assembly in the 118th page of the last revision of the laws. Your opinion as well as the inclosed record you are requested to inclose to Mr Samuel Anderson attorney at law in Cumberland county. And you will very much oblige me by writing to me, by the mail and delivering it to the bearer, the contents of your opinion. And be pleasd also to say, in your letter to me, whether Cumberland Court can at the next term do any thing as a court of law in the Case as judgment at the last term was rendered on the verdict—for its intended at the next term to argue the errors tasked to the inclosed record, to stay the judgment which is now entered. For this trouble be pleased to accept of the inclosed guinea; and when I have the pleasure of seeing you in Richmond I will inform you why I trouble you in so plaine a Case. I am Sir, your most obedient Sv

Creed Taylor

Source Note

ALS (retained copy), ViU: Papers of Creed Taylor. The text on the back reads, "Copy of a letter to Bushrod Washington Esquire in the Case of Crisp and Holiman with his answer enclosed."