From James Henderson
Williamsburg 23d May 1818
Dear Sir,
I have this day returned from a meeting of the Proprietors of the Dismal Swamp land Company, & now forward to you the managers Draught of twelve hundred Dollars for the Dividend declared at the annual Meeting. This Dividend is less than I expected it would have been from the Agent being unable to hire Carts to bring the Shingles to the Canal; and also from four thousand Dollars being applied to erecting very extensive Flood Gates & Repairs to the Jericho Mill.
The Value of our Stock has risen very much since the last Sales. On Wednesday last three fourths of a Share were sold. Our fourth sold at 3680$, another at 3615$ & a third at 3610$. I remain with much esteem & respect Your obt Servt
James Henderson
ALS, ViU: Papers of the Washington Family.