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From George Carter


     I have cut out of the Lees. Washingtonian of the 16th Jn. the pro[c]eedings of a meeting of a few of the Inhabitants of this County who are desirous of forming themselves into an Auxiliary Colonization Society which I now take the liberty of enclosing to you. You will observe that an idea prevailed at that meeting, That the people were uninformed as to the object of the Wash. Co. So. & that the people wanted information generally upon this Subject.

     A Committee was appointed to collect & Publish such information upon the Subject, as they might be enabled to procure. As a member of that Committee, I beg leave to ask the favour of you to furnish me with all the information you may think adviseable to communicate upon the Subject, & particularly the latest proceedings of the Washington Colonization Society—Very Respect. I am Sir your mo. obt & very Hbe Servt

G Cartr

Source Note

LB, ViHi: George Carter Letterbook.