From George Carter
Oatlands near Leesburgh 21st January 1813—
I presume from your letter of the 19th Instant (which I have received) that your Nephew has not informed you of the reasons which induced me to sell my land on Coan River, in the purchase of which he has unfortunately become involved, & which from the first moment of our interview, I beged him not to be concerned with.1 My object in making this sale was to provide a fund to meet the payment of the frying Pan Claim which was then in Litigation. Since the Chancellor has decreed that I am the person alone who the Representatives of Mr Carter of Shirley & other claimants are to look to for payment. Guardians, Executors, & others are to receive the money & I need not inform you how necessary it is on my part, to be properly prepared, to meet the final judgement that shall be made in this business. Thirty thousand Dollars is the Sum that the decree is made for. As you were not acquainted with my situation when you wrote, perhaps you would have been more decisive in nominating some early day when you would agree to pay this money yourself. Nothing but my own necessities would have induced me to have been so rigid in its collection. As a postponement of the sale is solicited on your part, if you will nominate some early day when you will pay this debt yourself, I must consent thereto. I am very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt
Go: Carter
P.S. I think it proper at this time to inform you that in addition to the two Bonds, of your Nephews which you mention in your letter, that I hold one for 1,068$ due on the 1st July next, & one for 1030$ 1st January following— I am induced to communicate this information to you, as I have been informed from a source not to be questioned, that you were told by him that the bond lodged at the farmers Bank was the only one which I held.
LB, ViHi: George Carter Letterbook.
1. George Carter is referring to his involvement as the executor for Robert Carter, and the suit which resolved this issue appeared before the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia during the March term of 1816.