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From George Carter


     The Court of Appeals adjourned last Spring without a decision in the case of Carter vs. Carter. Were it not for this large undetermined claim, it would give me pleasure to acquiesce unconditionally in your proposal to pay the whole amt of my claim on the 1st January 1815.

     However the Ct of Appeals will not set again untill the fall, & altho' the case may be argued early in its Session, I expect no opinion will be delivered by the Ct untill some time next Spring. Perhaps not then. After a decission should I then really want the money, I will then inform you of such want. Rest assured In the mean time that you will not be plagued with1 unnecessary applications. very Respectfully Sir I am your Obdt H. Servt


Source Note

LB, ViHi: George Carter Letterbook.

     1. George Carter first wrote "my" before "unnecessary" but crossed it out.