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Bill of Complaint

     Fairfax Ses. Gustavus Scott Complains of Michael Gretter and Robert Powell in Custody &c. of a plea that they render to him thirty three pounds ten shillings Current mony of Virga which to him they owe & from him unjustly detain, for this to wit that whereas the sd Defendants on the 21st day of november in the Year of our Lord 1788 at the County afsd by their Bill obligatory sealed with the Seals of the sd Defendants and to the Court now here shewn the date whereof is on the same day and year acknowledged themselves to be indebted to the sd plaintiff in the sd Sum of thirty three pounds ten shillings to be paid to the sd plaintiff when they the said Defendant should thereunto be afterwards required Yet the sd Defendants tho' often times required have not nor hath either of them paid to the said plaintiff the sd sum of thirty three pounds ten shillings or any part thereof but the same to pay to him have & each of them hath hitherto altogether refused & still refu<se> to his Damage ten pounds & therefore he brings suit &c.

John Doe}

Richd Roe} pl. pros.

Washington pro Quer.

Source Note

ADS, ViHi: Virginia, County Court, Papers. The back of the document contains a number of notes in different handwritings. The document is labeled, "Gustavus Scott vs Gretter & Powell} Nan & Bond."