To Mathew Carey & Son
Mount Vernon July 1. 1817
I recd your letter of the 21st June and am very much pleased to understand that there is a chance of your recovering the missing volumes of "the Subterranean Cavern" & "Crimes & characters," as Mrs W. thought them the best in the collection. I shall deduct for the present $6.66 (The Stg Cost £1.10) and shall be very glad to be called upon for that amount should the books be found. This would make the balance due you $85.44; but Mrs W. thinks that when I paid you last Octr for novels got from you the preceding spring, there was one Sett of 2 volumes which she had recd, more than you charged me with. I have of course added $2 to the above balance, & hope before I close this letter to be able to obtain a bill in Phila. for the amount. I have engaged a mercantile friend in Alexa. in this business. I am Gentn yr mo. ob. Servt
Bush— Washington
July 7th I now enclose you draft of the Bank of Alexa. on the Bank of the U.S. for $87.44/100.
ALS, PHi: Lea & Febiger Records. On the top of the page, Carey noted that he had received and answered the letter on 10 July 1817.