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From William Hodgson

dear Sir—

     I am favor'd with your Letter of To day.

     I feel much Repugnance to the measure which I am unavoidably led into— Genl Lee by L[ette]re promised to be here by the 30th Ulto to settle what I required— He has not appear'd nor have I heard from him— The last month 6000$ was due on his Bond for Interest alone & every Year brings with it an additional 1000 more— independent of this I have large uncovered Claims. As Exr I see clearly I am not to delay without evident injury to myself[.] If the Genl is so dead to his own Interest as to avoid the arrangement I have proposed to him or is incapable of making it—the sooner the better the Business is fix'd.

     I send you L. Lee's Deed to the Genl for his part of the Hollis's Marsh Tract, also a Copy of the deed of Trust from the Genl to yourself— The Deed from Ludwell Lee renders the des-cent in Title clear, the Land being previously the property of Philip Lee Esqr & devised by him to his two daughter, who intermarried with Genl & Ludwell Lee.

     I will thank you to look them over & for your remarks on the Title. I am dear Sir Most respy Yours


Source Note

LB, Vi: William Hodgson Letterbook.