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From William Hodgson

Dear Sir

     Having endeavored in vain to obtain a Settlement with Genl Lee, I am again induced to trouble you to advertize that part of the Property deeded in Trust laying in Westmorland County known by the name of Hollis's Marsh the other property if this proves difficient may be hereafter advertiz'd, unless you think it more correct, to insert the whole at once.

     There will be due for Interest on the Bond next month 5500 Dolls. not 1 Shilling of Interest having been paid since the 17 Octr 99.

     The day of <2m#> (being Westmorland Court I presume[)] wd be a proper Time to make the Sale at Westmorland Ct house.

     On the 12 Jany I wrote Genl Lee of my Intention to apply to you to dispose of the Land— not hearing from him I again wrote the 28 Ulto but no [R]eply has been recd— I suggested to him in those L[etter]rs that if he was desirous to survey and divide the property into smaller Tracts, to do so & communicate with you.

     I enclose you the Power of Atty you formerly made out to Mr Swift for the Sale of the Fairfax Property—also your former advertizet— I shall be obliged by an Advertizet on the present occasion & your power of Atty—to the Agent you may appoint— Enclosed is likewise the deed of Trust.

     I shall thank you to communicate as soon as convenient. I am very respy Your mo. obt Servt


Should the Day appointed for the Sale prove wet, do you think it would be proper to name the next fair Day? Is it requisite to publish the Advertizement in the papers daily? what Papers would you wish it inserted in? I shall thank you to return the Trust deed in Time for the Sale.

Source Note

LB, Vi: William Hodgson Letterbook.