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From William Hodgson

Dear Sir:

     I am extremely troublesome to you regarding the Deed of Trust from Genl Lee— Your last Advertizement was not inserted in the papers owing to some Overture of Genl Lee's which I hoped would have rendered the Business unnecessary— It is in vain for me I believe to expect Relief except thro' a Sale of the property &ca. I must request you will be so good as to authorize me to insert the annex'd Advertisement— The sooner you can send it to me the better— I am Very Respy


Four Weeks Notice is required by the Trust deed— When the Event of this Sale is known the other Lands can be advertized.


Valuable Lands for Sale—

     By Virtue of a deed of Trust executed by Henry Lee to the Subscriber for securing a debt due from said Henry Lee to Wm Ludwell Lee decd the following Tract of Land will be sold at public Auction on the premises on monday the 25th day of November for ready Money.

     2800 Acres, called Hollis Marsh, lying in the County of Westmorland, adjoining the Stratford Estate & bordering on the Potomac River.

Source Note

LB, Vi: William Hodgson Letterbook.