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From William Henry Washington

Dr Sir

     I received your Favor on Saturday last inclosing an Attachment & two Dedimus's against my troublesome Neighbor George Chapman for which I am exceedingly obliged to you, as I expect it will put a Stop to the Sale of a Negro belonging to the Estate of Mr Philip Alexander's Orphans, which he executed some Time ago, under a Supposition that I intended (as I conceive) to rest satisfied with the Dissolution of my Injunction against him but as it is in my Power to pro[ve] that the Money which he unjustly demands from me has been honestly discharged by Robt Alexander, I am determined to convince him that he shall not sport with the Property of these poor Orphans with Impunity, & therefore nothing shall prevent me from prosecuting the Suit, which you Lately instituted against him in my Behalf, now pending in the high Court of Chancery, on the Determination of which, I make no Doubt of my being able to make him act with Caution, in his Proceedings against his Neighbors for the future— I have been informed by Mr William Alexander my Brother in Law that he left with you a Copy of Chapman's Answer to my Bill, but as I have not as yet received it, I will beg of you to send it to me by Mr Charles Lee on his Return to Alexandria, from your City, which will be in the Course of three Weeks as I am informed— I also beg you to be so obliging as to direct one of the young Gentlemen in your Office to send me the Copies of Papers which I have written to Mr P. Tinsley for which may be also done by Mr Lee on his Return to Alexandria I know you are engaged in too much Business to Do this yourself but you can comply with this Request in the Manner I mention— It is impossible for me to be prepared for Trial at the next March Term, but if you will be so frien<d>ly as to send me the Papers by Mr Charles Lee on his Return to Alexandria for which I have written to Mr P. Tinsley, I will try the Dispute with Chapman at our next May Term when I will convince him, that his demand against me is unjust— I am Dr Sir Yr most H. & obt St

W.H. Washington

If my worthy Neighbor Chapman should return an Answer to my amended Bill, pray send me the Copy of it by Mr Lee also Pray be so obliging as to obtain [for] me a Dedimus to take the depo<s>[i]tion of Mariamne Truman Ale[x]ander, who lives in Charles Cou[n]ty in the State of Maryland— [I] inclose you an Affidavit to enable you to obtain a Dedimus to take her Depositi[on]— She is an Evidence very<mutilated>.

Source Note

ALS, Vi: Washington Family Papers. William Henry addressed the letter to "Bushrod Washington Esqe Attorney at Law City of Richmond," and BW endorsed the letter as "Washington &c. Chapman."