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From William Henry Washington

Dear Sir

      I reced your favor dated the Sixth of Febry1 this Eighteenth day of apl Opened, If I had recd it sooner should have answered it immediately, I herewith Enclose a Note from Chapman with an affidavit of the recieipt, Mr Alexanders Deposition is very material but not as much so, as some others if you have recd them, please let me know as soon as you recieive this, if Mr Chapmans note will secure the reading the Deposition, I am also to inform you that after Mr Chapman got the last Judgment in your Court he executed my property and sold it to amount of his Judgment, I rest satisfyed you will do every thing you can to get redress for me, I have no doubt myself if Justice is to be had in this Country, I am Dr Sir yours with respt

W. H. Washington

Source Note

ALS, Vi: Washington Family Papers. BW endorsed the letter "Washington & Chapman," and also noted "leave read Alexander[s] Deposition."

1. WH first wrote "March" but crossed it out.