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From William Henry Washington

Dr Sir

      If my suit againt Chapman has not been tried, & it is not too late to take Depositions; or if you can obtain Commissions for that purpose I shall be much obliged to you to send two, and I wish to know if I cannot get a peremtory order to take Nathl Chapman Hunters Deposition as he has refused to give it, I wish very to have his testamony as it is very material to my Cause; please let me know how my cause stands at this time and if you think I shall be successful in it; you will also greatly oblige me by Directing the Clerk to send me Copies of Chs Simm's and John McCrea's Depositions if Chapman has taken them.

     If there is no way by Law to compell Nathl C. Hunter to give his Deposition I shall not get it as he has refused under the Commissions I have had, to give it, I took it in the first beginning of this Suit but not so full as I could wish I am with respect yr Hl Sevt

W. H. Washington

Source Note

ALS, Vi: Washington Family Papers. William Henry addressed the letter to BW "attorney at Law," and he noted, "postage paid." BW endorsed the letter, "Washington ads Chapman."