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From William Henry Washington

Dear Sir

     This is the third Letter I have wrote to you, directed to Richmond, but have not recieved an answer, in one of which, I Enclosed Hodsons Rect for £5.6— agreeable to your directions, I also wrote to Mr Tinsly Enclosing him, an attested Copy, of Release of Errors, the original filed in our Court, you will greatly oblige me $PR Return of Mr Chs Alexander Junr to inform me in what manner I am to proceed. and at what time you think the Trial will come on, I wish also to be informed, as the debt for which I was Executed is an open acct as to Mr P. Alexanders Estate, & as there was no Suit or notice ever served and the debt upwards of Thirty years standing whether the act of Limitations cant be plead, if it can I am determined to do it. unless we can overset Chapman otherwise, as it appears by Robt Alexanders Books the debt has been paid, but Rects to it— I have several Suits shortly to Bring in the High Court of Chancery. at which time I shall Employ you. should you come up to Alexandria, please let me know as I will meat you there as I wish to have some conversation on the above Subject with you I am Dr sir yrs

W. H. Washington

Source Note

ALS, Vi: Washington Family Papers. The letter is addressed: "Bushrod Washington Esqre Richmond hond by Mr Chs Alexander Junr."