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From William Henry Washington

Dear Sir

     Inclosed you will receive a Copy of a Letter which I addressed to George Chapman in order to obtain from him Liberty to inspect the Books of Robert Alexander, which I am certain from the deposition of Charles Alexander, will shew in what Manner the said Alexander had discharged the Execution which was issued, in order to Levy the Judgment, which Nathl Chapman recovered from Gerd Alexander, but notwithstanding all these Books were in the Possession of the sd George Chapman, yet he refused to suffer my Brother to take such Abstracts from them as I required, as will appear by the Affidavit of my said Brother herein inclosed as well as Mr John Luke's— I am therefore under the necessity of amending my Bill against George Chapman & of putting the following Questions to him or such of them as you may think material— Viz. Whether he the said George Chapman does not believe that the debt (which he claims from me) Was discharged by Robt Alexander to Doctr John Hunter who intermarried with his Sister Elizabeth? Whether it was not usual for the sd John Hunter to collect the debts of his Mother in the County of Fairfax as Administratrix to her husband Nathl Chapman? Whether it does not appear on the Books of the said John Hunter that he had received the whole or at any Rate a considerable part of this Debt from Robt Alexander, or what part, does it appear on the said Hunters Books was paid by the sd Robert Alexander on account of the Judgment aforesaid to the sd Hunter? Does it not appear on the said Hunter's Books that Robt Alexander paid him 1300 & odd pounds of Transfer Tobo also £5.7.6 & a Flatt in full discharge of the Judgment aforesaid? or what does appear on these Books? Whether it does not appear on the Books of Robert Alexander that he had discharged the Judgmt aforesaid recovered by Nathl Chapman agt Gerd Alexander to the sd John Hunter, or what payments does it appear on the said Robt Alexanders Books that he made to the sd Hunter or any other Person on account of the afsd Judgmt? Whether there was not an Execution issued agt Gerd Alexander early in the Year 1760 & has not there always been Property sufficient belonging to Gerd Alexander to discharge that Execution? or how long did property remain after the death of the sd Gerd to discharge this Execution? did he not inspect the Books & Papers of Robt Alexander after his death & has he not discovered on the same or by Receipts, that the aforesaid Judgmt was discharged? Has not the Books & Papers of Robt Alexander remained long in his possession since his death? What Discoveries has he made respecting the Paymt of this Judgmt in looking over the Books & Papers of his Mother; of Doctr Hunter; & of Robt Alexander? Was not Doctr Hunter entitled to receive a large Sum of Money from Constt Chapman administratrix as afsd as his distributive Showne of Nathl Chapmans Estate, & was it not probable that he had directions from the sd Constant to receive Money to the Amt of this distributive Share out of her Husbands Debts? Did not his Mother place great Confidence in Doctr Hunter & in Wm Lock Weems (who intermarried with her Daughter Amelia) & did not the former transact her Business in Fairfax County Virginia, & the Latter her Business in Maryland & in the lower Parts of Virginia? Did not Gerd Alexander die possessed of a very Large Estate real & personal? Did he leave any Judgment unpaid, except the one in dispute? Be pleased also to make Mariamne Truman Alexander & her Son Robert Alexander parties to the Bill & put such Questions to them (touching the payments which appear on the sd Robert Alexanders Books to have been made to Doctr Hunter respecting this Dispute) as may appear necessary, for if the Paymts on these Books should correspond with those on Doctr Hunters Book, I think the discovery will convince any person that the Debt or Judgmt has been discharged. Ask the sd Mariamne & Robt Alexander whether the sd Robt Alexander decd did not shew them on his Books that he had discharged the Judgmt in Dispute? Whether they have not since the said Robt Alexander's death seen by his Books & Papers the Payments which he made in discharge of the Judgment aforesaid? or what have they seen in searching over the Books and Papers of the sd Robt Alexander, respecting this paymt? Whether they have not heard the sd George Chapman confess that the debt had been paid to Doctr Hunter, but not to himself I will now conclude, after requesting you to remember that the Jury on the Trial of the Scire facias in the County Court of Fairfax gave thirty odd pound Interest to George Chapman which I am told is contrary to Law. Yr most obt Servt

William Hy Washington

Pray search the General Court Records, from abt the year 1757 or 1758 & see whether an Execution did not issue agt Gerd Alexander on the Judgmt recovered agt him by Nathl Chapman, & know what Return the Sheriff made on this Execution— I shall be glad to hear from you, as soon as you are at Leisure— I wish I could compell Chapman to produce Robt Alexrs Books.

Source Note

ALS, Vi: Washington Family Papers.