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From William Henry Washington

Dear Sir

     Since I saw you Mr Chapman has taken several Depositions among the suit Robert Alexander Son to Robert Alexander Decd whom the execution Levied on me, was against— he swares that there are accounts on his Fathers Books against John Hunter Specifying Moneys and Tobaccoes paid by his Father to the said Docto. John Hunter and on the credit side he says to the Judgment obtained by Nat. Chapman agt my Fathers Estate so much but the said Credit has several scratches made across it. the Deception you will see if the said acct is sent Down to the High Court of Chancery but Doubt it very much whether it will or not I do not think <that> we can have Justice unless the said Books can be seen or a commission sent up to some Gentlemen here to inspect the said Books and a true copy sent Down as the charges on the said Books of Robt Alexander correspond with the accts of Doctr John Hunter as he has Given Mrs Constant Chapman credit for the Identical sum and Tobo charged on Alexanders Books to him; only Robt Alexander charged other money paid to the full amt of the Judgment.

     Mr Charles Alexander also is of opinion that it is necessary the Bill should be amended and make Mariamne Alexander Widow and her Son Robt Alexander parties in the Defence calling on George Chapman and them to swear whether there has not been a private agreement between George chapman and Robt Alexander in his life or either of them they to pay the said chapman the money, and Tobo and for him to get it from1 Phill Alexander Estate and to pay it to them also to call on chapman to swear whether Hunter did not act and if he has not found in any of his Fathers or Mothers Books credit for the said Judgment and whether Mrs Alexander did not hear the said chapman say he veryly beleived the said money <mutilated> Tobo was paid to Doctr Hunter— should you think of any other necessary question to be asked you can do it, I have long expected to hear from you but have been disappointed— I have from Depositions destroyed all of Chapmans principal witnesses Depositions as you will see I am Dear Sir yr vy Hl. Sert

W. H. Washington

N.B. please to send me Two Dedimus's immediately as I want to take a Deposition or two more one of the above Dedimuses must be to take Genl Dents and Mrs Susanna Chapmans Depositions in Maryland again.

Source Note

ALS, Vi: Washington Family Papers. BW endorsed the letter.

1. William first wrote "this estate" but crossed out "this."