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From William Henry Washington

Dear Sir

     I have been disappointed by sickness in taking the deposition of Mr Nathaniel Hunter a second time; who (after taking his first deposition) I discovered could prove that his father Dr Hunter had received from Mr Robt Alexander a flatt in full discharge of the balance which he and his brother Philip as Executors of Gerard Alexander owed old Mrs Chapman Administratrix of Nathaniel Chapman on the Judgment which the sd Nathaniel Chapman recovered agt the said Gerard Alexander in his life time. It seems that Mr Nathaniel Hunter saw a Credit given Mrs Constant Chapman for this Flatt on his Father's books in consequence of this Judgment; but that the leaf which contained this credit was torn off by some accident. As this piece of testimony (which sickness prevented me from taking) is greatly material to me, inasmuch as the whole demand made by George Chapman agt Gerard Alexander's Estate is proved, except the balance which this Flatt discharged, I earnestly beg that you will endeavour to postpone the trial of my injunction agt Chapman until the next term, when I make no doubt I shall prove to the Chancellor's satisfaction that Chapman's demand agt me has been long ago fully discharged. You will please to take notice that Chapman has taken the depositions of John Chapman Hunter and young Robert Alexander very illegally— the former of whom being entitled to a distributive share of old Nathaniel Chapman's Estate as son of Dr Hunter who married Chapman's eldest Daughter must be interested especially as his Father was Mrs Chapman's security on her Administration on her husband's Estate; and the latter must also be interested, because he is the son of Robert Alexander (who was Co-executor with Philip Alexander) against whom the Judgment now in dispute was recovered.

     If possible pray put off the trial of this dispute until the next term, when I am convinced I shall be able to overset George Chapman by proving that the debt which he demands of me has been actually paid. By a reference to the records of the General Court, you will find that the judgment which Nathaniel Chapman recovered agt Gerard Alexander about the year 1758 was only for 5£ and about 2500 lbs Tobo altho' by damages given by the Jury on the Scire facias it was encreased to a large sum. You will also discover by a deposition that Dr Hunter has given credit to Robt Alexander for £5.7.6 and about 1500 lb Tobo paid, the balance being about 1000£ Tobo which the Flatt discharged. I am Sir Yr very Hble Servt

Wm H. Washington

Source Note

ALS, Vi: Washington Family Papers. BW wrote an endorsement on the back of the letter reading "Washington vs. Chapman."