To Joseph Hunter
Mount Vernon Jany 25th 1823
Revd Sir.
I had the honor, not long since, to receive your favor of the 11th Octr last, which it has not been in my power sooner to answer.
It would afford me much pleasure, I assure you, to be able to furnish you with the information you request respecting the part of England which my Ancestors inhabitted, and from which they emigrated to this Country.
I know nothing upon this subject but what I collect from a letter written by my Uncle, the late Genl George Washington, on the 2nd of May 1792, to Sir Isaac Heard, a Copy of which I do myself the pleasure to enclose you.
My Uncle left me all his papers (as he did the Estate on which he resided) which I have searched with a view to find Sir James Heard's letter which with the tables he enclosed, might throw much light on this subject. I have not been so fortunate as yet to find it; and being just on the eve of my departure for the Seat of Gove[r]nment to attend my duties as a Judge of the Supreme Court of the U:S. I must postpone a further search 'till my return. Should I then be more fortunate, and the letter should seem material, I will send you a Copy of it.
I enclose you a Copy of so much of the genealogical statement forwarded by my Uncle to Sir James Heard, as brings down the descendants of the two first emigrants of the family to himself, supposing that a further detail could not be interesting to you. I am very Respectfully Revd Sir, Your Mo. Obt St
Bush. Washington
LS, Uk: Collectanea Hunteriana.