To Richard Peters
Mt. Vernon Octr 3. 1815
My dear Sir
Circumstances, with which it is unecessary to trouble you, will prevent my leaving home in time to reach Phila. on the 11th. I could do so were I to travel alone, but Mrs. Washington's health will not permit1 her to go forward as fast as would be necessary for that purpose. I hope to get to the City on the 12th so as to be ready to proceed to business the next day. Will you be so good my dr Sir as to charge the Grand Jury and, if you approve, notify the gentlemen of the bar that we shall expect to find them prepared on the 13th to take up the law & equity docket. I hope to find you in good health, and with the happy flow of spirits which you generally possess. Believe me my dear Sir most sincerely & affectly yrs
Bush. Washington
ALS, PP: Hampton L. Carson Collection
1. BW first wrote "prevent" but crossed it out. BW addressed the letter to "The Honbl. Richard Peters Belmont near Philadelphia."