To John Francis
Mount Vernon July 23d 1784
Dr Francis
I had the pleasure to see Mr Byrd at Westover a few weeks past, and spent near1 a week there very much to my satisfaction‑ I wish I had time to write as much about this family as I could wish, but I am compelled to relinquish the pen in a few minutes‑ The reason of my writing at present is to inclose you two Letters which when I undertook to convey, I expected to deliver personally; but some unexpected events has prevented me‑ I hope to see you in the winter, when I shall have a great deal to tell you‑ Present my affece compliments to your Family, to Mr & Mrs Powel, and then to my acquaintances & be assured that I am with sincerity your Friend
Bushrod Washington
ALS, RHi: Francis Family Papers.
1. BW first wrote "spend a" but wrote over it.