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To William Augustine Washington

My dr Sir

     On Monday I got up to Colo. Blackburns from Fredg the next day I went to Alexa. hoping to dispose of your Tobo & to send down the money by Mr Lee who I heard was there. Unfortunately by going the Mt Vernon road I passed by Mr Lee who came down the other‑ Mr Watson would not give more than 12/6 I delivered the Tobo to Mr Watson who pd me £6 a Hogshd I returned Yesterday & am exceedingly distressed what to do‑ I have got a Servant of Mr Blackburns to go down & think it better to risque the money with him than to delay you a momen[t.] I hope to hear that you are about setting off when the servant returns‑ My best Love & wishes for the restoration of my dear Sisters Heath‑Love & duty to my dr Mother‑ God bless you all & believe me sincerely your friend

B. Washington

I send £126.

Source Note

ALS, TxDaHC. The cover was addressed to "Colo. Wm A. Washington Haywood." William Augustine Washington endorsed the letter, "Mr Bushrod Washington Letter respecting Tobo passed to James & Bruce Watson on an advance of £6 pr Hhd 21 Hhd Cash advanced £126.0.