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To William Constable


     I obtained a Judgment agt Mr Hunter for Phyn Ellis & Ingles & issued an execution, but little or nothing was obtained, I believe— of this I informed you shortly before you left America— I also informed you that I had understood Mr Hunter had subjected his real property to the payment of his debts— But of this I am not certain— no person I believe has qualified as Exectr to his will— it would be well for you to get a copy of his will or in some manner obtain information how he has left his property & in what it consists— I am so far removed from Alexa. or wd myself make these enquiries— if his Lands are liable a Suit in Chancery must be brought. I am Sirr Yr mo. Ob. Servt

B. Washington

Source Note

ALS, NNC: John Jay Collection. BW addressed the letter to "Wm Constable Esqr." in New York; the letter was endorsed.