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To Unknown

Dear Sir

     Your letter of the 9th came to hand last evening. Altho' it is desirable to compleat the Sales of the eastern lands as soon as they can be properly made, yet it would be imprudent to precipitate them faster than correct information can be obtained of their real value. I am happy to find offers coming in as rapidly as they do, and in the instance of the Hampshire land, exceeding the sum put down in the will; but as it is probable that some of the lands must be sold below their estimated value, we must get as much for those that will rate higher, as we can.

     I therefore agree with you that the land in question should not be sold until time is given for persons living more remote to come forward, & in the mean time you can know from the Mr Washington's in Jefferson County the Opinions of themselves & others respecting it. If it has not been too much robb'd of its timber, I am sure from what I heard when over the ridge that it is very valuable.

     You will recollect that in the Sale of the lands, should a Legatee be the purchaser, he must pay the mony either down or at the expiration of the stipulated credit, reserving only so much of the Sum as is equal to his Share of the whole, and I am further of Opinion that those who purchased of the personal estate (below Stairs) ought to recieve no part of their Shares of the land Sales, until the others are made equal. Th[i]s rule will operate most strongly agt me, but it is a Just one. However this Subject may be over until we meet.

     I am very apprehen<siv>e that Mrs Washington will want mony before my return, as I calculated upon the Sale of the Stock to supply her. Should this be the case I must get the favor of you either to advance her $100, or to lend your name to a note for that Sum to procure it from the Bank. Should you be prevented from compleating that business shortly, I would wish you not to file my renunciation, as it was sent merely to accel<e>rate the Sale. When I return I will go over & qualify— I am with very sincere regard yrs

Bushrod Washington

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