To Timothy Pickering
Mount Vernon Decr 24th 1809
Dear Sir
I understand that Mr Richard Forest of Washington is a candidate for the consulate at Tunis, and having I believe gained the good Opinion of the President by correct conduct and attention to the duties of the Office which he has hitherto filled, it is not improbable that he may be nominated. Should this be the case, it will no doubt be the wish of those who are to sanction or to reject the appointment to have some knowledge of his character. With this view I take the liberty to address you & to state that I have long had the pleasure of this Gentleman's acquaintance, and that I consider him to be a man of honour, amiable in his manners & respectable for his talents.
Will you be so good as to communicate this letter to Mr Hillhouse to whom I beg to be presented? If you & he can favour me with a visit this winter it will afford me very great pleasure. I am Dear Sir very sincerely & respectfully yr mo. ob. Servt
Bush. Washington
ALS, MHi: Timothy Pickering Papers. The cover was addressed to Pickering "of the Senate of the U.S. City of Washington."