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To Unknown


     The indulgence asked for my Nephew until I could dispose of his property, having been refused, I have been compelled to borrow the money to satisfy your present claim. I requested my friend to call at the Farmers bank this morning to discharge the bonds, when to my great disappointment he was informed that they had not been placed there for collection. The trouble & additional expence is consequently imposed upon me of employing an express to wait upon you with this letter containing a request that you will send down the bonds by the bearer, or (if you are unwilling to trust them with him) that you will authorise Mr Scott or some other person to recieve the mony & give a rect— you will please direct your answer to Mr A. C. Cazenere of this town who is prepared1 to pay the mony. Mr Scott wrote you by post this morning on this Subject. I am Sir Yr Hl. Set

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, MHi: Grenville H. Norcross Autograph Collection.

     1. BW began to write "autho" here but crossed it out.