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From William Tilghman

Dear Sir

    In the case mentioned in your letter, our practice is, to enter Judgmt for the penalty of the Bail bond. This Judgmt is under the contract of the Court, & unless the parties agree on the debt due in the original action, the Court will stay execution until it be ascertaind - The most convenient mode of ascertaining it is, by a speedy trial in the original suit- The Judgmt on the bail bond stands as a security for the debt when ascertained, & for the costs in both Suits— I refer to the case of Carrew—Willing—1 Palt. 130— I am dear Sir, with v[er]y great respect & esteem, yr ob. Servt 


Source Note

Copy, MdHi: Tilghman Family Papers. At the bottom of BW's 28 April letter to him, Tilghman wrote, "Copy of answer to the above" and copied his 29 April reply.