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From John Douglass Simms


     Having recently understood that Mr Wheaton will be a candidate for the appointment of Clerk to the Supreme Court, I respectfully propose myself to your friendly consideration as an applicant for the situation of Reporter to the Court, should a vacancy occur in that office. Should you feel yourself at liberty to oblige me so far, I shall esteem it a great favor if you will (in the event of a vacancy), present me to the favorable consideration of the other Judges for that situation. The duties of the office, it is true, would be novel to me, but I flatter myself that there would be no difficulties in them, which I could not surmount by application and attention. But just slowly recovering from a severe and protracted illness, I am barely able to subscribe myself. Sir. With the highest respect your obedient Servant

J.D. Simms

Source Note


1. Simms addressed the letter to "Hon: Bushrod Washington" above his salutation.