To C. P. Wayne
Mount Vernon 14th June 1823
Dear Sir
I lately recd a letter from the Chief Justice in relation to what he had proposed in a former letter as to the 1st volume of the life of Genl W.—namely; "that he would take the risk of that volume on himself," He thinks now that such an arrangement might produce embarrassments in the accounts which had best be avoided. He therefore proposes, instead of that plan, that the 1st volume should be printed at the risk of the editor, but that all compensation for the Copyright should be relinquished upon it. He presumes that you can have no objection to this as that volume seems to be considered rather as a weight on the rest. I mention this subject to you now as you are probably engaged in some negotiation respecting the edition.
I have recd no letter from you in answer to my letter written soon after my return from Phila[delphia]. I am respectfully Dear Sr yr mo. ob. Servt
Bush. Washington
ALS, NjMoHP. BW addressed the letter to "C. P. Wayne Esqr. Philadelphia." The letter was postmarked on 16 June.