To William Augustine Washington
Mount Vernon 23d Novr 1806
My dear Sir
Your letter of the 21: I recd yesterday. I have written to Mr Robinson agreable to your request, and I hope he will accede to your proposal. I enclose you a certificate respecting the time <when> you sent me your account agt Mr Robinson.
Notwithstanding I have a house full of company & am besides much hurried in preparing to leave home the day after tomorrow, I have drawn a deed from us to Mr Parks & filled up a mortgage to be executed by him. I mention the hurry in which this business is done to account for any mistake which may be made if such should appear. I shall execute the deed and then leave it with Mr Lewis to execute & forward to you before friday. You will inform Mr Hoy that he is not to deliver the deed to Mr Parks or even take his bond without also getting him to execute the mortgage, because the lien on the land which at present exists for securing the purchase mony will otherwise be lost, and should any accident happen the loss would fall upon you or him. The blanks in the mortgage for the day, month & year,1 before it is executed, he will fill up. Also a blank is left for the time of payment should he be disposed, as I hope he will be, to give Mr Parks some indulgence. should he not, he will eraze the printed words in the mortgage "by the following instalments that is to say" and insert after the next word "on" the word "demand" or any other which may conform with his agreement with Mr Parks, as to which we have nothing to do. The mortgage must be acknowledged by Mr Parks or proved by three subscribing witnesses before the mayor or other chief magistrate of Baltimore & certified by him in the manner such acts are usually authenticated by him & must be recorded in the General Court or the District or County court in which the lands lie within eighteen months after the deed is executed. you had better give Mr Hoy or whoever is entrusted with this business a copy of so much of this letter as relates to Mr Parks.
I expect that you will not recieve any thing from Mr Robt Lewis or enter into any negociation with him until we hear from Mr Robinson, or until my return when it can be known what sum you are entitled to. Unless Mr R. agrees to your proposal or you should succeed in the arbitration against him, your 2/3d of the sales will amount to only $3452.70 & your two Sons to the same making in all $6905.40 from which is to be deducted your purchase of $231. In the above is not included the sale to Basset & Thornton, as the latter is not yet due & the former would make a very small change in the accounts.
From a memorandum endorsed on the mortgage, Mr Parks is only to pay $4537.86/100 which will leave you a creditor for about $2367 to which you will be entitled independent of your claim upon Robinson. If it is important to you to settle this with Robt Lewis immediately, you can do so, tho I would rather it shd await my return, lest there shd be some mistake. I shall not be more than 10 days absent. I am my dear Sir very sincerely & affectly yrs
Bush. Washington2
ALS, NjMoHP. NjMoHP also holds a retained copy of the same letter, also in BW's hand. The letter has a postmark from "Nov. 24" from Alexandria.
1. After the word "year" BW first wrote "when," but crossed it out, replacing it with the phrase "before it is."
2. In the retained copy of this letter also held at NjMoHP BW included a "Copy of the Certificate enclosed" below the signature, reading "This is to Certify that previous to the death of Mrs Robinson wife of Wm Robinson Esq. of Bunkers hill, I recd a letter from Colo. Wm A. Washington bearing date the 26 Augt 1804 enclosing me his A/c agt the sd Wm Robinson, balance due Decr 15. 1802 to the said Washington £437.16.4 exclusive of interest, which sum the sd Washington stated in his sd letter was to be deducted from the share of the said Robinson of the sales made of the estate of Genl Washington. Mrs Robinson, I believe, died on the 12th of Sept. 1804.
Bush. Washington Exec. G.W. Decd
Nov. 22. 1806