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Lands belonging to George Washington on the Western Waters, in the State of Virginia

Great Kanhawa. Fincastle County

10990 Acrs. Near the mouth thereof. Granted by Letters Patent to George Washington the 15th day of December 1772. and confirmed after the Revolution, by other letters Patent the 6th of July 1784, in consequence of a friendly Petition for the same, by Burwell Bassett Esqr. for the non-performance of the act requiring certain improvements.

7276 acs. Higher up the Kanhawa, Granted to George Washington & George1 Muse as above, on the 1st day of Decr 1773 and said to lye in the County of Botetourt.

2950 acs. Opposite the mouth of Cole River, and still higher up the Kanhawa—and sd to be in Greenbriar County. Granted the 12th day of April 1784 to G. Washington.

2000 Acs. In the Fork between Cole River & Kanhawa in the above county of Greenbrier—granted to Geo: Washington 12th Aprl 1784.

Total 23,216

Besides the abovementioned tracts, there is a small tract of (I believe) 240 acres Granted (the date of the Patent I know not) to Genl Andrew Lewis & myself, containing the burning Spring, on or near the Kanhawa River in Greenbrier County

On the Ohio River. Botetourt County.

2314 Acres The first large bottom below the little Kanhawa—Granted by letters Patent to George Washington the 15th Decr 1772—And regranted, after a friendly Petition of Burwell Bassett Esqr. for Noncompliance with the act of Improvement the 6th of July 1784.

2448 Acs. Fourth large bottom of the Ohio below the mouth of the little Kanhawa, & about 16 Miles below, the above granted to Geo: Washington 15th Decr 1772—and regranted as above the 6th July 1784.

4395 Acrs. Fifth large bottom below the Mo[uth] of little Kanhawa, on the Ohio, & just above the Great Bend Granted, & regranted to Geo. Washington on the days & years above mentioned.

Total—9157—All said to lye in the County of Bottetourt.

587 Acs. About 15 miles below Wheling in the County of [<2m#>] formerly Augusta Granted to George Washington by Patent bearing date the 30th Oct. 1784.

Source Note

AD (letterpress copy), DLC:GW; LB, DLC:GW. Enclosure to George Washington to BW, 19 Jan. 1798.