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From George Washington

Dear Bushrod,

     Your letter of the 13th instt with the enclosures, came duly to hand. I thank you for draughting the answer which I have put my signature to; and with the Bill, now return.

     If I mistake not, my renunciation of the Executorship of Colo. Fairfax's Will already stands on record in the Genl Court, on some former occasion; be this however as it may, I have always refused, & never intended—directly nor indirectly, to have any agency in the Administration of the affairs of that Estate.

     It gives me much pleasure to hear, through a variety of Channels, that you are becoming eminent, & respectable in the Law. In this, and every transaction of your life, let honor & probity be your polar star. Your Aunt & all here join me in best regards for you & Nancy & be assured of the Affecte regard & friendship of

Go: Washington

Source Note

ALS, NjP: De Coppet Collection; ALS (letterpress copy), DLC:GW; LB, DLC:GW.