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Judge Washington

From James Madison

I return1 under cover with this the 2d parcel of my letters to Gl W. which you were so obliging as to send me. I am sensible of the delay in fulfilling my promise; but it is of late only that I could conveniently have the desired Copies taken, and I ventured to suppose that the certainty of the return of the originals was the only2 circumstance to wch any attention wd be given.

Having found in their papers several particulars which I wished to possess, and seeing by references in Genl Washington's letters to me3 to which I may add my non recollection that there may be other letters from me to him, which might4 have been put on his files. I cannot but hope that a further search by the Ch. J. or yourself may procure for me the oppy of looking into their contents, for which I shall feel a great addn to the obligation your kindness has already laid me under.

Source Note

Df, DLC: Madison Papers.

     1. After the word "return" Madison first wrote "according to promise" but crossed it out.

     2. After the word "only" Madison first wrote "point to that" but crossed it out.

     3. Madison first wrote the phrase "as well as added by my" after the word "use," but crossed it out.

4. In place of the word "might" Madison first wrote "probably" but crossed it out.