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To James Madison

Dear Sir

I recollect with shame how long you have been in advance for the wine you were so good as to import for me. On my return from the Northward in July, I was informed by Mr Forest of its arrival, & I then requested him to procure from you an account of its cost & to enclose it to me that it might be immediately paid. This however, from some course or other, was not done, and my subsequent absence from home, together with the sickness & deaths in our family have hitherto prevented me from writing to you on the subject.

If you will have the goodness to state in a letter by post or otherwise the amount of your advance on this account, it shall be remitted you without delay, & with many thanks. I am dear sir very respectfully yr mo. obt Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, DLC: Madison Papers.