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To James Madison

Dear Sir

     Since my return from Washington the trunk in my possession, containing letters to & from the General, has been carefully examined, and the enclosed have been taken from the bundles found in it. Not doubting but that a much larger number of your letters are in the trunks at Richmond, I have written to the Chief Justice to request that he will in the course of the summer look over those bundles and enclose to me all that he can find from you to the General. Those now enclosed are dated 4 Jany 90—6 april 89—20 Octr 93-29 Jany &, Decr 96

     As soon as I receive those from Richmond, they shall be forwarded to you or to Mr Cutts. I am very respectfully Dear Sir your mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, DLC: Madison Papers.