To John C. Hunter
Mount Vernon, June 17th, 1828
Dear Sir:
I have received your letter of the 16th, in which you communicate the unanimous wish of the Anti-Jackson Corresponding Committee for Fairfax county, that I would allow myself to be considered a member of that body.
Believing that the utmost purity of conduct attended the election of Mr. J.Q. Adams, to the office which he now holds, and has so ably administered, I have never hesitated, when a fit occasion offered, to express my sentiments in favour of his re-election to the Presidential Chair. I should, of course, accede to the wish of the Committee, if, by doing so, I could promote the object they have in view; but, expecting soon to leave the county, not to return to it until after the election has passed, I shall but nominally occupy a place in that body; which might be beneficially filled by some more efficient member.
With a due sense of the honor which the Committee has conferred upon me, and with sentiments of very great respect and esteem for yourself, I am, dear sir, your most obedient servant.
Bushrod Washington
L, New Hampshire Journal (Concord), 7 July 1828.