To Charles Simms
Bladensburg May 1, 1800
Dear Sir
I must again beg the favor of you to get the enclosed note discounted for me at the bank. I expect to have the pleasure of seeing you in the course of four or five days when I can give you the necessary draft on the Cashier of the bank of the U.S.
I send on the enclosed note now that the mony may be ready as I pass through town, as I shall be in great haste to get on. I hope I shall not be obliged in future to give you as much trouble as I have in this way. I owe you many thanks for your kind assistance, and am dear Sir very sincerely yrs
B. Washington
fill up the date of the note—
DLC: Charles Simms Papers. On the cover of the letter BW noted that he sent the letter on 2 May and "Paid 16."