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To Charles Simms

Dear Sir

     Finding it necessary to obtain a remittance from home, and not wishing if it can be avoided to trust bank notes by post, I have taken the liberty to enclose you a check on the bank for $200 which I presume is considerably within the sum to my credit there, and if you can procure a bill on Phila, at sight, and such as will certainly be paid, I will thank you to send me such a one—if such cannot be obtained, I should prefer two post notes for the amount.

     I do not expect to get away from this place before December, so great is the weight of business in this docket. With sincere esteem & regard I am yrs

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, DLC: Charles Simms Papers. BW addressed the letter to "Charles Simms Esqr / Alexandria / District of Columbia."