To Thomas John Clagget
Alexandria January 8. 18131
Right Rev'd. and Dear Sir,
Understanding that The Rev'd. Mr. William Meade is desirous of being admitted to the sacred order of Priest, and our Diocese being now destitute of a Bishop, we have to request the favour of you to perform that service during your continuance in town, and to render such other offices as the Church and your own judgement may deem expedient.
We certify our full belief & expectation that he will be recieved as a Pastor by some one of the vacant Churches in this State We are with great respect Your obed't. Servants2
Wm. H. Wilmer (Chairman)
Oliver Norris
Bush. Washington
W. Fitzhugh
Edm: J Lee
Copy (typescript), ViHi: James Madison Papers.
1. The date of this letter is probably 8 Jan. 1814
2. The signers identified themselves as "Members of the Standing Commitee for the State of Virginia."