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To William White

Rt rev'd & dear Sir

     Before the rect of your favor of the 7th I had written you fully on the business to which it relates. Since then, I have had another opportunity of writing to my agent on the Kenhawa, & I have again repeated my request that he will not fail to pay all the arrears of taxes due upon your lands & to draw upon me for the amount which it will be in my power to remit him before it will be necessary for him to make the advance. Still I think it would be well for you, if in your power, to have the money paid through some other medium; giving notice at the same time to Mr Andrew Parks, near the Buffaloe post office, Mason County that this will be done, to prevent a double payment.

     From the Circumstance of the 4000 acres having been entered by some person unknown to my agent, I am apprehensive that the land is claimed by that person. I think it would be prudent to cause an enquiry to be made at once into this subject, and if you will permit me, I will correspond with a gentleman of the law & give such directions as may enable him to procure full knowledge of the business. If their be any adverse claim; the sooner you know the nature of it the better. With great respect I am Rt rev'd & dear Sir yr mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, PP: Historical Manuscripts Collection. BW addressed the letter to "The Rt rev'd Bishop White" at Philadelphia.