To John Bradford Wallace
Mt Vernon Novr 30. 1814
Dear Sir
Soon after my return home from Phila., I copied into my note book all the written decisions which were delivered, & which constituted about two thirds of all the cases which were tried. Supposing that it would be more convenient to Mr Ingersoll to forward you the charges delivered in the other cases in paper than it would be to send you the book, I have since the rect of your letter copied those from the book, and I shall in a few days contrive the whole of them to that gentleman with a request to get them on to you as soon as an opportunity offers.
You will recollect that I rely upon you to correct the many errors in Style & perhaps on the graph, which in the hurried manner these notes were written will no doubt occur in great numbers— With great esteem I am Dear Sir very sincerely yrs
Bush. Washington
The case of the constitutionality of the Bankrupt Law was published in the U.S. gazette.1
ALS, PHi: Wallace Papers.
1. This postscript is in BW's hand but appears to have been added later.