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To Wilson Cary Nicholas


     I now enclose you my answer to your letter of the 21st of Feby, covering the resolutions of the Legislature of Virginia, and I throw myself upon your goodness to excuse the delay which has taken place. If the embarrassment which a conflict of duties, of feelings & of inclinations have produced be insufficient for my apology, I have none other of equal weight to plead. But let me, at all events, entreat you to impute my long Silence to any other cause than insensibility to the subject of your letter, or a want of the most profound respect for yourself‑ I have the honor to be with very sincere esteem Sir yr mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, Vi: Executive Papers of Governor Wilson Cary Nicholas. BW addressed the letter to "His Excellency W. C. Nicholas Governor of Virginia Richmond Virginia."