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To Thomas McCauley


     I have to acknowledge the rect of your favor of the 16th of last month, informing me that the tenth anniversary of the American bible Society will be celebrated in New York on the second thursday of next month.

     I cannot, with any degree of certainty, promise myself the gratification of complying with this notification, as my ability to do so will entirely depend upon the State of Mrs Washington's health, which very seldom permits me to leave her. If however it should be in my power to attend, a sense of duty will lead me to do so.

     I beg leave to assure you, Sir, and the Society, that it has always been a Source of mortification to me that either my official duties, or other insurmountable causes have heretofore prevented me from being present at these meetings. I am Sir very respectfully yr mo. ob. Servt

Bush. Washington

Source Note

ALS, TxAlW: Collection of David Barton. BW addressed the letter to "The rev'd Mr McCauley Secty dom[estic] Cor[respondence] of the Am. Bib. Society New York." A note of endorsement reads, "Pha. 18th april 1826. Hon. Bushrod Washington, Vice President promising to attend the next anniversary if practicable but expressing doubts of his Ability to do so—Recd ap[ril] 18th." A notation below reads, "read 4th May."