To Joseph Story
Mt Vernon July 25th 1821
My dear Sir
I wrote you a long letter soon after my return home in June, which I hope got safe to hand. The object of this is to ask your acceptance of a barrel of hams cured in my meat house which Messrs Wm Fowle & Co. have undertaken to forward to you. If they do not get injured, I think you will find them as fine you ever tasted. I trust that they are now on their voyage, if not already arrived.
I write in great haste, and have only time to add that, I am waiting impatiently for a letter from you, and that I always am sincerely & affectly yrs
Bush. Washington
ALS, MHi: Joseph Story Papers. The letter was postmarked in Alexandria, Va. on 26 July. BW addressed the letter to "The Honbl. Mr Justice Story" in "Salem Massachusetts."