To Douw Fonda
Mount Vernon June 9‑1803
Your letter to Mr Custice was put into my hands a few days ago. The Tracts on the Mohawk lie in Montgomery County in a patent granted to Danl Cox in the township of Coxborough & Corolan, contain about 2000 acres one half of which belongs to the estate of Genl Washington & the other half to Govr Clinton‑ By a letter from Govr Clinton to the General I find them to be described as follows
Lot No. 8 in the 1st Division 105 acres
No. 6 in 3 Div 253
No. 19 in Do 231
No. 22 in Do 231
No. 26 in Do 211
No. 29 in Do 211
No. 3 in Do 253
No. 12 in 7th Divis. 262
No. 28 in Do 262
The General values them on his will at $6 per acre, the price at which the latter Sales of those lands had been made.
We will take $5 per acre for our undivided moiety paybl. in 3 or 4 equal annual instalments with interest from the day of sale. Should you not accept this offer & think proper to make any other proposition, I will lay the same before my Coexecutors I am Sir Yr mo. ob. Servt
Bushrod Washington
ALS, MB. The cover is addressed to "D. Fonda Esq. Albany New York." The letter is postmarked for June 13.