To Walter Jones
Mount Vernon March 11. 1806
Dear Sir
I yesterday recd your favor of the 7th, and now subjoin an extract from the will of Genl Washington containing the clause respecting the establishment of an University in the district of Columbia vz."I give and bequeath in perpetuity the 50 Shares which I hold in the potomac Compy under the afsd acts of the legislature of Virginia, towards the endowment of an University to be established within the limits of the district of Columbia, under the auspices of the general government if that Governt should incline to extend a fostering hand towards it; and until such seminary is established, and the funds arising on these Shares shall be required for its support, my further will & desire is, that the profit accruing therefrom shall, whenever the dividends are made, be laid out in purchasing Stock in the bank of Columbia or Some other bank at the discretion of my executors or by the treasurer of the United States for the time being under the direction of Congress, provided that Humbl. body should patronise the measure, and the dividends proceeding from the purchase of Such stock is to be vested in more Stock and so on, until a Sum adequate to the accomplishment of the object is obtained; of which I have not the smallest doubt, before many years pass away, even if no aid or encouragement is given by the legislative authority or from any other Source."
I have had Some idea of presenting a petition to Congress in the names of the executors, requesting that body to pass a1 law authorizing some officer of the Government to recieve an assignment of these Shares & to dispose of them in the way directed by the testator, and in such manner, as that body in its wisdom may think most conducive to the end contemplated by the General. Perhaps a clause to this effect might be introduced into the law now before the Committee for the establishment of an University at Washington. Will you my dear Sir be so good as to turn this subject in your mind and give effect to this idea, if it meets your approbation & that of the Committee?
Mrs Washington unites with me in best wishes for your health, & repeats her fears of a relapse if you do not make us a visit as soon as your convenience will permit. I am Dear Sir very sincerely & affectionately yrs
Bush. Washington
ALS, DGW: Individual Manuscripts and Artifacts. The letter was postmarked 12 March, and was stamped with a Free frank.
1. BW first wrote the word "some" after the word "pass" but crossed it out.